About Us
Love for adventure brought us together.
2013 - Started dating. Road trips. Adventures. 1st kiss @Disneyland... 😘
2014 - Married in November
2015 - Everything changed
2021- we bought an RV park
Nellie worked at a law firm. Bryce was on the founding team of an agency called "Shareability". We worked hard during the week & played harder through the weekend. A lump was found in Nellie's chest and the "what-if's" grew rampant while we waited on results. The doctors said it was likely cancer, and it was then we realized these "careers" were only a means to the adventures we desired.
How many other people are living like this?? What if we could adventure WHILE building careers?
We decided to create "The Jurgys" to not only document the memories for our future selves & potential children but to also inspire others to adventure with their families & friends. Every week we traveled seeking adventure and hid geocache treasures to inspire the locals to get out and explore where they live! Fast forward to today and we're still at it...now working with like-minded brands and organizations that EXIST for the same results!